

Regole Maltesi ed Italiane per i viaggiatori

News Corona virus Covid-19

In questo sito Ufficiale dell'Autorità Sanitaria Maltese troverete tutte le istruzioni necessarie per l'ingresso nell'isola di Malta in seguito alla pandemia da Covid-19. Public Health Alert

In questo sito Ufficiale dell'Autorità Sanitaria Italiana troverete tutte le istruzioni necessarie per l'ingresso in Italia in seguito alla pandemia da Covid-19. Ministero della Salute


Latest catamaran links - (E 'necessary to specify that the times given are extracted directly from the carrier Virtu Ferries site, so the site manager Www.portodipozzallo. it can not be held responsible for the content specifying that this representation is not official.)
Jean De La Valette aerial, the catamaran of Virtu Ferries

VF catamaran boarding times for Malta.

The hours of boarding the catamaran can be found by the following (link) or by contacting the agency of Pozzallo:

Agency Virtu Ferries di Pozzallo

Largo dei Vespri Siciliani



tel. 0932 811811

Excerpt from the page of the company Virtu Ferries, from the site

It's necessary to specify that times shown on this page are extracted directly from the carrier's website Virtu Ferries, therefore, the site manager not control or monitor such information and can not therefore be held responsible for the content of these pages, and the rules adopted by them with regard to privacy and the processing of their personal data.

Design of bridges catamaran Jean De La Valette

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